60-Min Linkedin Makeover

Transform Your LinkedIn Profile in Just 60 Minutes

In today’s digital age, a polished LinkedIn profile is crucial for professional success. If you’re exploring new opportunities, aiming to expand your network, or eager to showcase your professional accomplishments, investing just one hour can make a significant difference. Here’s a step-by-step guide to revamp your LinkedIn profile in just 60 minutes.

1. Write a Strong Summary (12 Minutes)

Your LinkedIn summary is often the first impression visitors get of you, so it needs to be compelling. In one to three paragraphs, highlight your current role, expertise, qualifications, and significant accomplishments. Mention awards, notable publications, and any published research to give a comprehensive overview of your professional journey.


  • Be Concise: Summarize your career in a way that’s easy to understand.
  • Highlight Key Achievements: Include any awards or notable projects.
  • Show Personality: Let a bit of your personality shine through to make your profile more relatable.

2. Flesh Out Your Work Experience (18 Minutes)

Each role on your LinkedIn profile should have three to six bullet points that detail your responsibilities and achievements. Unlike a resume, LinkedIn has no strict length limits, allowing you to be more detailed. Focus on achievements and responsibilities that highlight your skills and contributions.


  • Be Specific: Use specific numbers and details to quantify your achievements.
  • Use Action Verbs: Start each bullet point with a strong action verb.
  • Show Progression: Highlight how you’ve grown and progressed in your career.

3. Join Some Groups (5 Minutes)

Joining industry and job-specific groups demonstrates your active participation and passion in your field. It’s a great way to connect with like-minded professionals and stay updated on industry trends.


  • Choose Relevant Groups: Focus on groups that align with your career goals.
  • Be Active: Participate in discussions and share valuable insights.

4. Add Work Examples (15 Minutes)

LinkedIn is a perfect platform to showcase your work. Add samples that highlight your skills and achievements, such as presentations, articles, projects, or any other relevant work. This visual proof can greatly enhance your profile.


  • Select Your Best Work: Choose examples that best represent your skills.
  • Provide Context: Briefly describe each work example to give context.

5. Get Recommended (10 Minutes)

Recommendations from colleagues, co-workers, and supervisors can add significant credibility to your profile. Aim to get recommendations from three to four individuals who can speak to different aspects of your career and skills.


  • Request Thoughtfully: Personalize your request for recommendations.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Seek recommendations from people at different stages of your career and in various roles.


A strong, well-rounded profile not only enhances your professional image but also increases your chances of being noticed by potential employers and collaborators. So, take an hour, make these updates, and get ready to make a powerful impression online!